Eat Fruit, Live Healthy

How to Prevent Deadly Diseases


Constipation is a very painful disease as the patient feels very hard to bowel movement. If this persists for long time or very common then it may leads to very serious conditions. 

 In Kids it is very common problem but if it persists commonly or more than two weeks it may leads to serious health problems. In such conditions you must consult your doctor for the remedy.

If a child does not bowels movement for more than three times in week, it means that he is suffering from constipation or he has difficulty in bowel movement or have hard, dry stool, have some blood over his stools.

Main symptoms of Constipation.

·         Less than three bowel movements a week
·         Bowel movements that are hard, dry and difficult to pass
·         Large-diameter stools that may obstruct the toilet
·         Pain while having a bowel movement
·         Abdominal pain and swelling
·         Traces of liquid or clay-like stool in your child's underwear — a sign that stool is backed up in the rectum
·         Blood on the surface of hard stool

Main causes of Constipation in children.

1.      Stress and Depression

If a child is under some kind of stress and depression due to some reason family,friends,school etc then he my have irregular bowels which my result into constipation

2.      Bowel function also effected due to any change in routine like travel, change in weather or changing home,school etc. This may also result into a constipation

3.      Use of medication like antidepressants and various other drugs may also be the cause of this disease.

4.      If child is not taking a proper healthy diet then it may also the main cause of this disease

5.      If an infant is switching for liquid diet like milk to a diet which has less amount of water and solid then it also put your child to constipated

6.      Another main reason of constipation in those children is found who are busy in some kind of activity like games, playing, and exams preparations. Then during such situation they ignore and reluctant to bowels and as a result they suffer from constipation.

7.      This disease may also be considered as genetic disease. If a family has constipation history there are maximum chances that the children may also suffer from this disease

Complexities and Problems

If constipation remain for long time like more than two weeks or it is very common then there may be chances of some risk.

Difficult breaks in the skin around the rear-end (butt-centric gaps)

Rectal prolapse, when the rectum leaves the rear-end

Stool withholding

Staying away from solid discharges in view of agony, which makes affected stool gather in the colon and rectum and hole out (encopresis)

How Avoid and prevent constipation.

Constipation can be easly controlled and avoided by adopting health foods and habits

Offer your tyke high-fiber sustenances. Serve your kid all the more high-fiber sustenances, for example, natural products, vegetables, beans, and entire grain oats and breads. On the off chance that your youngster isn't utilized to a high-fiber eat less, begin by including only a few grams of fiber daily to avoid gas and swelling.

Urge your kid to drink a lot of liquids. Water is frequently the best.

Advance physical action. Customary physical movement invigorates typical inside capacity.

Consistently put aside time after suppers for your tyke to utilize the can. In the event that essential, give a footrest with the goal that your tyke is open to sitting on the latrine and has enough use to discharge a stool.

A few kids get so wrapped up in play that they disregard the inclination to have a defecation. In the event that such postponements happen frequently, they can add to clogging.

 In the event that your youngster is taking a medicine that causes clogging, get some information about different alternatives.

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